A Touch of Alchemy ~ Shallow Trust (1/15)

Published: Thu, 01/08/15

~A Touch of Alchemy~
Notes and Musings 
from Stephanie Swafford
January 2015

Welcome --

"Learning to trust is 
one of life's most difficult tasks."
(Isaac Watts)

Do you practice what I call "shallow trust"? -- believing in someone or something just enough to call it "trust", despite knowing what you're doing is really hedging vs. trusting.

I liken it to saying you're swimming, when in reality, you're wading in the water -- maybe even all the way up to your chin -- yet you're still wading.  Or are you waiting?

Waiting for what? -- a guarantee, proof that all's well, an obvious safety mechanism? 

That's the irony: what you're wading/waiting for doesn't come to you until you practice the art of trust -- assuming your self-protective inclinations will either be met or unnecessary.

To this day, despite all my years and experience in the healing arts, I still catch myself in shallow trust -- reading a situation, projecting an outcome, securing an exit strategy -- just in case. I can't remember the last time I used or even needed an exit, yet I fall into that false sense of security to ward off what "might" happen, which takes me entirely out of the moment.

​And the practice to come back to the present? As ever:


Breathe -- take several breaths
if need be.

Check in with your Bodymind.

Are you wading /waiting?

Are you in the moment or hedging
​against the "future imperfect"?

Allow Your Self to just be --
and surrender to the moment.

…. not the moment you think merits distrust, and not the moment you think sorta, kinda, probably should be trusted.

Give your Self over to the person, the situation, the possibility by jumping, diving, falling, and splashing around in the water -- instead of playing is "safe" in the shallow end.

"You may be deceived if you
trust too much, but you will live
in torment if you don't trust enough."
(Frank Crane)

Body Alchemy -- My Work

New Year -- newly refined approach in my Practice:

Immediate Reframe© offers a practical way of moving through any challenge -- by drawing on and refining the capabilities you already have , rather than starting over with another new program or protocol.

It combines the lean immediacy from my years in live television with the deep elegance of Energy Balancing so that you can move forward quickly and efficiently without a long drawn out process:

"Through our work together, I've broken through "stuck" places and am moving forward through major life challenges in a centered, relaxed, expansive way." (Medical Center Director )

Here's to this different way of looking at/ being with/ moving through a current challenge, so that you can reframe your past, release your present and reset your future.

One more thing as we move into this new year:

You're already doing your practice, now it's just a matter of deepening and broadening it.

Parting Reminder:

"Trust is built with consistency."

(Lincoln Chafee)

Dare to trust -- over and over again.
Until next time …….

Stephanie Swafford is a Bodymind Practitioner. She helps people already well into their healing and recovery quickly navigate deep transformative change. She can teach you how to listen with your Bodymind, trust your innate abilities and remember what you already know. Her private practice, Body Alchemy is on the Upper Westside of New York City.

The week's schedule is usually set 3-5 days in advance. However, there can be changes, and a session time for you might become available on short notice.  There's nothing to lose by contacting me via e mail or phone: (917) 744-9059.

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                    Copyright © 2015 by Stephanie Swafford

Body Alchemy ~ Listen with your Bodymind