A Touch of Alchemy ~ "Kool Aid" (9/14)

Published: Tue, 09/09/14

~A Touch of Alchemy~
Notes and Musings 
from Stephanie Swafford
September 2014

Welcome --

"Never follow the crowd."
(Bernard Baruch)

Let's talk about Kool Aid.  For those of you who didn't grow up with it, it was a powdered flavoring added to water -- decades before the boutique bottled water we have today. In the day, it was considered a treat for children.

Then years later, it became the means for several hundred people to follow their leader, Jim Jones, to a mass death at their compound in Guyana. They unquestioningly obliged his order to drink poisoned Kool Aid.

With this in mind, my question to you is:

Where / How in your life are you
"drinking the Kool Aid"? --

How have you lost your sense of self and free will?

Whom are you blindly following -- taking their 
approach to life as gospel?

Where are you going through the motions for
someone else's sake?

How are you "poisoning" yourself?

Harsh questions, and yet the metaphor stands.

Every time we act blindly, without questioning our motives, we're "drinking the Kool Aid". It doesn't matter if it's our favorite flavor, if it doesn't serve our deeper healing and ongoing process of growth, we're slowly poisoning ourselves, aren't we?

Start to track the moments when you automatically reach for your "poison" -- numbing yourself against a dead end job, an abusive relationship, addictive behavior, that prattling critical voice, your long deferred dreams, and so on. Know your triggers for the Kool Aid and how they're activated:



Check in with your Bodymind.

Determine the right action:

Dare to step away from /not reach for/
put down that Kool Aid before you take
the first sip.

I sense you may miss it at first, change does that to habits-- and yet -- in time, you'll lose your taste for the Kool Aid and opt for a cool glass of water to slake your thirst instead.

"Never count on the crowd 
to take care of you."
(Eddie Rickenbacker)

Body Alchemy -- What people are saying:

Because Body Alchemy is such a different experience,
so effective across a broad range of challenges, I'm 
often asked how to describe my work. So, I thought I'd share some comments from those who've experienced it:

"This work is straight, no chaser."

"It's like you're rearranging pieces of a puzzle so  I can see it more clearly."

"You find this pattern in me and help me understand it."

"You're like a quilter or an editor -- transforming my patchwork into a framework."

My explanation is what I call Immediate Reframing©.

"I quickly cross reference salient points in our session and connect the dots among them with a common thread. This thread allows you to relate differently to your current challenge -- and -- draws on previous, similar experiences to resolve it."

To this end, there are three different session options. Each offers a unique way for you to experience Body Alchemy -- from sticking your toe into the practice to diving more deeply into the work.

One more thing --

May we all continue to keep moving through our challenges and lessons with grace, clarity and relative ease.


More to come .....

Parting Reminder:

"If you wait for opportunities to occur,

you will be one of the crowd."

(Edward de Bono)

Here's to taking care of Your Self -- your very best choice for company.

Until next time …….

Stephanie Swafford is a Bodymind Practitioner. She helps people already well into their healing and recovery quickly navigate deep transformative change. She can teach you how to listen with your Bodymind, trust your innate abilities and remember what you already know. Her private practice, Body Alchemy is on the Upper Westside of New York City.

The week's schedule is usually set 3-5 days in advance. However, there can be changes, and a time for you might become available on short notice.  There's nothing to lose by contacting me via e mail or phone: (917) 744-9059.

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                    Copyright © 2014 by Stephanie Swafford

Body Alchemy ~ Listen with your Bodymind