A Touch of Alchemy ~ Sculptures (5/14)

Published: Tue, 05/13/14

~A Touch of Alchemy~
Notes and Musings 
from Stephanie Swafford
May 2014

Welcome --

"Sculpture occupies real space
like we do … you walk around it
and relate to it almost as another person
or another object."
(Chuck Close)

Let's consider the rich lessons a sculpture holds. It's a wealth of different views, textures, perspectives 
and styles in one object.  You can experience it from different angles, in different light, during different times, and so on. 

You can return to it and see it anew, walk around it, or just commune with it.  We've all done this. We all have our favorites.

Now let's bring this into a deeper practice. Allow the sculpture to be a representation of possibilities, full of limitless teachings.

Go to a museum with a friend. Find a sculpture that speaks to the two of you -- one that you can walk around. Choose an angle of it that you like. Have your friend do the same. Revel in the experience. Feel what it's like to enjoy what you're seeing -- and why.

Now, switch positions -- literally stand in the other's place and experience what your friend was seeing. Allow Your Self to appreciate his/her take on the piece.

Then move to two new angles -- switch again -- repeat.
Purposely find a viewpoint that doesn't speak to you.
Be with it. Let it teach you something -- about your sense of tolerance and acceptance.

You don't have to like what you see -- you probably won't, at first. Just appreciate the notion of "other".

Play with this. Find other sculptures, go with other friends. And then -- take it back into the real world.

When you find Your Self with someone who has a different viewpoint:



Walk around the "sculpture".

Dare to experience it differently.

Again, you needn't like it. And what's the worst that can happen? Nothing. The best? -- an entirely different understanding of something you hadn't "seen" before.

Enjoy the Art ~

"Sculpture is the art of the intelligence."
(Pablo Picasso)

Body Alchemy -- My Work

Intrigued by my take on life and it's challenges? It comes from honoring and practicing the Innate Wisdom we all have. We know how easy life is when we come from this quiet, absolute place. I challenge you to dip into it much more often -- and my lean, efficient approach can teach you how to do that.

To that end, there are three different session options.  Each offers a unique way for you to experience Body Alchemy -- from sticking your toe into the practice to diving deeply into the work.

One more thing --

May we all continue to keep moving through our challenges and lessons with grace, clarity and relative ease.


More to come .....

Parting Reminder:

"What sculpture is to a block

of marble, education is to the soul." 

(Jospeh Addison)

Let the sculpture teach your soul.

Until next time …….

Stephanie Swafford is a Bodymind Practitioner. She helps people already well into their healing and recovery quickly navigate deep transformative change. She can teach you how to listen with your Bodymind, trust your innate abilities and remember what you already know. Her private practice, Body Alchemy is on the Upper Westside of New York City.

The week's schedule is usually set 3-5 days in advance. However, there can be changes, and a time for you might become available on short notice.  There's nothing to lose by contacting me via e mail or phone: (917) 744-9059.

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                    Copyright © 2014 by Stephanie Swafford

Body Alchemy ~ Listen with your Bodymind