A Touch of Alchemy ~ Ownership vs. Lip Service (11/13)

Published: Tue, 11/12/13

~A Touch of Alchemy~
Notes and Musings 
from Stephanie Swafford
November 2013

"Paying attention and awareness
are universal capacities of human beings."
Jon Kabat-Zinn

Welcome --

How many people do we come across in our daily routine who have it all figured out for themselves -- and others?
Yet -- their lives remain stalled, chaotic or unmanageable. 
They pay lip service to their practice, yet don't have ownership of their actions or consequences.

This circles back to having a lot of awareness about one's patterns and tendencies, yet, the awareness is where the practice stops. Unless we act on what we've learned, it's all just buzz words without meaning.

For example, I've an acquaintance who's spent years in analysis. He knows his foibles, and challenges to a tee.
He's more than willing to expound on them. And yet --
despite all he knows, his life is small, incomplete and a disappointment to him (his phrases). His words nod at 
awareness. His actions belie it.

Over the next little while -- perhaps at the seasonal family gatherings -- instead of falling into the same dynamics, why not allow Your Self to track the words of those around you? Is that where the practice stops? --  as if knowing our Achilles' heel is enough? -- and just the knowing gives us a pass on doing our work?

The practice?





Do the actions deepen the words or are they incongruent?
Is there resonance or dissonance? Are you witnessing lip service or ownership?

Dare to distinguish the two. Your life will be a lot smoother and more streamlined.

I promise.

What's coming up for me?

The Corporate Health Fairs I've been attending this fall are winding down for the holidays. They remain a great forum for me to introduce Body Alchemy and the practice of Listening with Your Bodymind to people. 

I continue to refine how my former career as a Producer in live TV dovetails nicely with the work I offer now.  My Practice combines quick solutions and immediacy, grounded by the elegance of Energy Balancing Work..

I am so often struck by how readily we can access Innate Wisdom when we're reminded of it. We all know how easy life is when we come from this quiet, absolute place. Why not dip into it much more often?

This remains the crux of Body Alchemy -- to be lean, streamlined, and deeply transformative -- teaching you to remember how to let this gift guide you in every aspect of your life.

To that end, there are four different session options.  Each offers a unique way for you to experience Body Alchemy -- from "sticking your toe" into the practice to "diving deeply" into the work.

My intention remains for clients to GET IN  (to the work), GET OUT (of it what you need), and GET ON (with your life):

"Get in, Get out and Get on with it" .....

May we all keep moving through our challenges and lessons with grace, clarity and relative ease.


More to come .....

Parting Reminder:

"Words may show a man's wit

but actions his meaning."

(Ben Franklin)

If words and actions aren't in sync -- heads up.

Until next time ........

Stephanie Swafford is a Bodymind Practitioner. She helps people already well into their healing and recovery quickly navigate deep transformative change. She can teach you how to listen with your Bodymind, trust your innate abilities and remember what you already know. Her private practice, Body Alchemy is in New York.

The week's schedule is usually set 3-5 days in advance. However, there can be changes, and a time for you might become available on short notice.  There's nothing to lose by contacting me via 
e mail or phone: (917) 744 - 9059.

If you'd like to be considered for a complimentary Bodymind 
Assessment please complete the Strategy Prep Questions
on the Body Alchemy site.

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                    Copyright © 2013 by Stephanie Swafford

Body Alchemy ~ Listen with your Bodymind