A Touch of Alchemy ~ Right Timing vs. Procrastination (9/13)

Published: Tue, 09/10/13

~A Touch of Alchemy~
Notes and Musings 
from Stephanie Swafford
September 2013

Welcome --

"Imagination only comes when you privilege
the subconscious, when you make
delay and procrastination work for you."
(Hilary Mantel)

Let's take a different look at procrastination. How many times and ways have we chastised ourselves for not plowing through our "to do" list in record time? What if there's wisdom and a different possibility that "procrastination" offers?

Granted, standard issue procrastination is obvious -- when we're choosing something -- anything -- so we don't "have 
to" do what's necessary. Taking this deeper, though, there's a fine, distinct line between procrastinating and 
cultivating your right timing.

Recently, I've actively played with this concept on my own.
This newsletter is a perfect example. I delayed writing it-- not hoping for the right time, but rather, listening for it.
I purposely didn't go near it when I thought I "should". Believe me, the chatter mind got pretty loud -- and yet -- I waited ...... I waited while allowing myself to trust right timing and flow.

The result? I breezed through this in no time.

How do you discern the difference between flow and procrastination? -- "the shoulds", castigation, fearful thoughts and worry are immediately off the table.  Rather, there's a sense of gathering one's Self -- waiting until a moment of ease presents itself, and then following that ease through to completion.

The practice?  As ever:



Dare to defy the "shoulds".

Wait for the sense of ease.


A word: Don't begin your practice with complicated choices. Certain deadlines are musts. Start small and allow Your Self to wait ......

This practice is subtle. Yet -- if you're willing to work with it, you'll become aware of your own pattern of flow: when and how you're most productive.

Then the scales tip and procrastination becomes trust in your right timing. You make short work of your to do list, easily accomplishing the task at hand.

What's coming up for me?

The Corporate Health Fairs I attend are beginning again. The summer break has given me other ways to introduce Body Alchemy and the practice of Listening with Your Bodymind to people. 

More and more it makes sense to me that my former career as a Producer in live TV dovetails nicely with the work I offer now.  My Practice combines quick solutions and immediacy, grounded by the elegance of Energy Work.

I continue to be struck by how readily we can access Innate Wisdom when we're reminded of it. We all know how easy life is when we come from this quiet, absolute place. Why not dip into it much more often?

This remains the crux of Body Alchemy -- to be lean, streamlined, and deeply transformative -- teaching you to remember how to let this gift guide you in every aspect of your life.

To that end, there are four different session options.  Each offers a unique way for you to  experience Body Alchemy -- from "sticking your toe" into the practice to "diving deeply" into the work.

My intention remains for clients to GET IN  (to the work), GET OUT (of it what you need), and GET ON (with your life):

"Get in, Get out and Get on with it" .....

Don't forget -- 

For those of you who are interested in Miriam Jacobs' Polarity Wellness Tarot and the work that she offers, she'll be in the New York City area from 9/26-10/8. By all means, contact her for a reading and to find out where she'll be offering her somatic take on the Tarot.

One more thing --

May we all keep moving through our challenges and lessons with grace, clarity and relative ease.


More to come .....

Parting Reminder:

"Observe due measure, for

right timing is in all things

the most important factor."


Trust YOUR right timing -- the rest will follow ... easily.

Until next time ........

Stephanie Swafford is a Bodymind Practitioner. She helps people already well into their healing and recovery quickly navigate deep transformative change. She can teach you how to listen with your Bodymind, trust your innate abilities and remember what you already know. Her private practice, Body Alchemy is in New York.

The week's schedule is usually set 3-5 days in advance. However, there can be changes, and a time for you might become available on short notice.  There's nothing to lose by contacting me via 
e mail or phone: (917) 744 - 9059.

If you'd like to be considered for a complimentary Bodymind 
Assessment please complete the Strategy Prep Questions
on the Body Alchemy site.

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                    Copyright © 2013 by Stephanie Swafford

Body Alchemy ~ Listen with your Bodymind