A Touch of Alchemy ~ January 2013

Published: Fri, 01/11/13

~A Touch of Alchemy~
Notes and Musings 
from Stephanie Swafford
January 2013

Welcome --

"All I have is all I need and all I need
is all I have in this moment."
Byron Katie

New Year -- New Practice.

What if, the next time you need a particular item, you take a good look through what you already have. Chances are that what you feel compelled to "get" is already in your possession.

Let me elaborate.

Recently, I had the thought that I  "needed" new accent pillows. The ones I was using were old, and had lost some of their color and shape. My mind started to consider other patterns, sizes and possibilities. I even began the hunt for pillow covers, actually measuring various ones of them that were on sale.  (It's justified if they're on sale, yes?). Then I remembered. Didn't I have two pillows that would work just fine? Yes -- indeed I did.

They weren't what I pictured or expected to use, nor 
were they what my mind's eye was creating. However, there they were -- patiently waiting for me to take them down from the closet shelf.

The upshot? They work like a charm.

So -- The Practice?

Next time you're beginning to make that mental list of 
"gotta get / gotta have":

Stop Your Self


And --

Go to 
the closet,
the chest of drawers,
the pantry,
the storage bins,
or wherever you stash things for "later"

Something serviceable is already there, if not an item that is surprisingly better.

The kicker to The Practice?

Every time you do this, you're reinforcing that you already have what you need. It's just a matter of accessing it and allowing it to serve you.

And the kicker to the kicker?

Ultimately, it's a reminder that The Practice is the same,  whether you're drawing on objects or emotional resources. They are both readily at hand.

Aren't they?

What's coming up for me?

While I'm moving into 2013 with new intentions and ongoing challenges, I'm not feeling much traction at the beginning of this year. So this is where The Practice comes in. Instead of spinning my wheels or idling, I am
using this time to release even more of what doesn't serve me so that I may receive that which does. 

I'm trusting that this down time is affording me the chance to reset even more deeply for what this year is bringing.  I am accessing the deep, deep "knowing" that we all have within us. 

We all know how easy life is when we come from this quiet, absolute place. Why not dip into it much more often?

This remains the crux of Body Alchemy -- lean, streamlined, and deeply transformative -- teaching you to remember how to let this gift guide you in any aspect of your life.

My intention remains for clients to GET IN  (to the work), GET OUT (of it what you need), and GET ON (with your life):

"Get in, Get out and Get on with it" .....

One more item -- 

As your setting, or even wrestling with intentions in this new year, consider Miriam Jacobs' Polarity Wellness Tarot --  the first somatic deck of its kind. I had the privilege of working with her on the User Guide.  It's a great tool to help you reconnect the Body and the Mind.

Please check it out:


More to come .....

Parting Reminder:


You already have what you need, don't you?

Pass it along ......

Until next time ........

Stephanie Swafford is a Bodymind Practitioner. She helps people already well into their healing and recovery quickly navigate deep transformative change. She can teach you how to listen with your Bodymind, trust your innate abilities and remember what you already know. Her private practice,Body Alchemy (http://bodyalchemy.info), is in New York.

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Assessment please click here:


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                    Copyright © 2013 by Stephanie Swafford
