A Touch of Alchemy ~ March 2013

Published: Tue, 03/12/13

~A Touch of Alchemy~
Notes and Musings 
from Stephanie Swafford
March 2013

Welcome --

"tricycling through molasses"

It's a good time of year to invoke this image, isn't it?

Orson Welles was referring to his fellow actors' "method
process" on the set of "The Long, Hot Summer". However, I feel it exactly captures the way we tend to get bogged down in our emotional processing.

We've all been there -- wrapped up in examining every angle of a situation or exchange -- micro dissecting every gesture, glance, posture and sentence.  

Around and around we go. Slogging away at the same old, same old, in service of "growth" or "change".

"If only I could explain this or understand that, all would  be well."

How about changing the pattern?

Stop and breathe

Stop "spinning your wheels"

Get off the trike

Wade out of the sticky molasses

Any one of these options will shift the energy in your favor.

It remains the daring choice of change that allows for growth and healing, rather than the repetitive insistence on having to "sort it all out" before taking action.

Besides, we're all too old for trikes, aren't we? 

And molasses belongs on the table, not our shoes.

What's coming up for me?

The Corporate Health Fairs I attend are in full swing. They're another way to introduce Body Alchemy and the practice of Listening with Your Bodymind.

At a recent one, I offered "A Spoonful of Meditation 5-7 minute mini sessions of quick, easy practices.  I'll be sharing the basics of it in the next newsletter.

"A Spoonful" was another way for me to hone a somewhat radical approach to this work by rapidly accessing the deep, deep "knowing" that we all have within us. 

We all know how easy life is when we come from this quiet, absolute place. Why not dip into it much more often?

This remains the crux of Body Alchemy -- to be lean, streamlined, and deeply transformative -- teaching you to remember how to let this gift guide you in every aspect of your life.

To that end, I'm putting the finishing touches on four different session options -- each one offers a unique way to  experience Body Alchemy.

My intention remains for clients to GET IN  (to the work), GET OUT (of it what you need), and GET ON (with your life):

"Get in, Get out and Get on with it" .....

One more item -- 

As you're moving towards the change of seasons, it's time to consider Miriam Jacobs' Polarity Wellness Tarot --  the first somatic deck of its kind. She and I worked together on the User Guide.  It's a great tool to help you reconnect the Body and the Mind.


More to come .....

Parting Reminder:

Pass it along ......

Until next time ........

Stephanie Swafford is a Bodymind Practitioner. She helps people already well into their healing and recovery quickly navigate deep transformative change. She can teach you how to listen with your Bodymind, trust your innate abilities and remember what you already know. Her private practice, Body Alchemy is in New York.

The week's schedule is usually set 5-7 days in advance. However, there can be changes, and a time for you might become available on short notice.  There's nothing to lose by contacting me via email  or phone: (917) 744 - 9059.

If you'd like to be considered for a complimentary Bodymind 
Assessment please complete the Strategy Prep Questions
on the Body Alchemy site.

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                    Copyright © 2013 by Stephanie Swafford