A Touch of Alchemy ~ September 2012

Published: Thu, 09/13/12

~A Touch of Alchemy~
Notes and Musings 
from Stephanie Swafford
September 2012

Welcome --

"Watch your mouth!"

How many times did we all hear variations of this as we were growing up? Despite our protestations, there's something to be said for heeding this advice.

So many of our word choices, emphasized phrases and even speech patterns can reflect how we physically manifest our thoughts. 

Don't we all know someone --  ourself? -- who repeats phrases like:

It's killing me ~ This always happens ~
I hate it when ~ I'm not good at that ~ 
I can't becauseIf only .... then ~ 
I couldn't possibly ~
It's because of my background ~
and so on ........ It's no wonder our physical selves respond accordingly.

I call it "trauma talk " -- verbalizing an insistent pattern that is not only inaccurate but also hampers our growth and transcendence. It's also another way we polarize Our Selves -- not a hint of gray in these embodied absolutes.

So -- why not shake things up a bit and track your speech? -- even your mind chatter for a while?
Ask Your Self these questions:

Does what I'm saying reflect:

outdated beliefs?
a part of me reluctant to change or heal?
a limiting comfort zone?

If so, how often do you resort to these obstacles? --
because that's what they are -- obstacles that you've put in your own way.

Dare to remove them, or at least modify them so they are stumbling blocks instead of brick walls. I sense you'll be struck by your self-imposed limitations.

Talk may be cheap, yet you're paying dearly for it.

What's coming up for me?

I'm continuing to  offer quick Bodymind Assessments and intros to Body Alchemy at several Corporate Health Fairs. Throughout the fall, I'll be bridging the quick efficiency of live TV along with the intensive elegance of Energy Work. The result? -- lean, streamlined and deeply transformative.

My intention remains for clients to GET IN  (to the work), GET OUT (of it what you need), and GET ON (with your life):

"Get in, Get out and Get on with it" .....

More to come .........

Parting Reminder:

"When deeds speak, 
words are nothing."
(African Proverb)

All the talk in the world isn't going to change one breath of your life. Allow Your Self to trust the silence that's the impetus for action.

Until next time ........

Stephanie Swafford is a Bodymind Linguist©. She helps people already well into their healing and recovery quickly navigate deep transformative change. She can teach you how to listen with your Bodymind, trust your innate abilities and remember what you already know. Her private practice,Body Alchemy (http://bodyalchemy.info ), is in New York.

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                    Copyright © 2012 by Stephanie Swafford
