A Touch of Alchemy ~ August 2012

Published: Wed, 08/15/12

~A Touch of Alchemy~
Notes and Musings 
from Stephanie Swafford
August 2012

Welcome --

Let's "dish the dirt" -- no -- not the way we usually do. Instead, I'm referring to what it said on a kitchen magnet I saw years ago:

"A Clean Home is the Sign 
of a Wasted Life."

This is not to say I'm advocating a boycott of cleanliness -- after all, "neatness counts".  Let's just put things into perspective.

How many times have we all been ultra focused on that one spot,flaw, or mark? -- scrubbing away, with several different cleaning "solutions"?--  using an old T shirt to polish something just so, a worn toothbrush to scrub away any imperfection -- and yet, in a few days, a week tops, we're back in the same effort -- wiping away what "shouldn't be".

So, I ask -- can't good enough be just that? -- good enough? There will always be something to clean, reclean, and re-reclean. How about opting for neatening and straightening instead?  Minimize the clutter, streamline the pathways. Dare to 

Dust - Sweep - Mop
and then walk away.

Now let me take the really long perspective here. Eventually, we'll either be six feet under, or be part of the dirt ("ashes to ashes, dust to dust") we're working so hard to eliminate. So while we gather and remove it in an attempt to keep it at bay for a while, let's begin to see it less as an enemy and more as a curious acquaintance.

I know I'm a bit out there on this -- however, when I find myself intently practicing "out, out damned spot", I remind myself that the dirt will always win ~ make peace with it.

What's coming up for me?

Beginning at the end of August, I'll be offering quick Bodymind Assessments and an intro to Body Alchemy at no less than a dozen Corporate Health Fairs. Throughout the fall, I'll be bridging the quick efficiency of live TV along with the intensive elegance of Energy Work. The result? -- lean, streamlined and deeply transformative.

My intention remains for clients to GET IN  (to the work), GET OUT (of it what you need), and GET ON (with your life):

"Get in, Get out and Get on with it" .....

More to come .........

Parting Reminder:

"You don't get anything clean
getting something else dirty."
(Cecil Baxter)

There's always something else to keep "clean" ....... Let the Earth Element teach you a different framework for "dirt".

Until next time ........

Stephanie Swafford is a Bodymind Linguist©. She helps people already well into their healing and recovery quickly navigate deep transformative change. She can teach you how to listen with your Bodymind, trust your innate abilities and remember what you already know. Her private practice,Body Alchemy (http://bodyalchemy.info), is in New York.

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                    Copyright © 2012 by Stephanie Swafford
