A Touch of Alchemy from Swafford 5/2012

Published: Fri, 05/18/12

~A Touch of Alchemy~
notes and musings from
Stephanie Swafford
May 2012

Welcome --

I thought I'd reference the quote I closed with last time as a jumping off point for this month:

"Self-Love, my liege, is not so vile a sin as self-neglecting."

Though William Shakespeare said it more poetically, there is a modern version we've all encountered:

"Adjust your own oxygen mask before assisting others."

Isn't that selfish? even cruel? -- Really? -- Let's play out the scenario--

There's a reason that oxygen masks drop down from the overhead compartment on a plane. There's a lack of air at that moment -- a vital component of consciousness -- and -- always a good thing to access. At a very basic level, if there isn't enough air to breathe, we'll pass out and literally become dead weight -- not to mention being of no use to those who might really need our assistance. And how is this helpful ???

The moments it takes to don and adjust your "mask" (prioritizing your needs) are negligible compared to the thought of "time wasted" helping Your Self before others. 

Let me repeat myself -- 

The moments it takes to don and adjust your "mask" (prioritizing your needs) are negligible compared to the thought of "time wasted" helping Your Self before others.

This goes against what many of us were taught, and continue to practice, doesn't it? So -- how do we break the habit /pattern? Let me offer a different practice.  Go back to 3 basic steps:

           1) STOP -- Dare to do nothing.
           2) BREATHE -- Draw in oxygen
           3) ASSESS -- The right action.

The next time you feel the need to help, fix, or rearrange someone else's "mask" (your perception of their distress), ask Your Self this simple question:

"Is my own oxygen mask already in place?"

Be honest -- don't dismiss the question with excuses like: "I don't need one" / "'they' need my help" / "it's just natural for me to care for  others" / "I'll get to myself later"  and so on ......

Tend to Your Self. Then help others. It will only serve us all in the long run.

What's coming up for me?

As promised, I'm offering another chance to experience my Elemental Workshop Series on Saturday, June 9th.     

This time, there are three options from which to choose:

"It's Elementary", "Elemental Anatomy", and a combination of both. All cover how the natural elements of AIR, FIRE, WATER and EARTH are manifested in aspects of our daily lives. I'd love to have you join us:


I'll also be presenting at a series of Corporate Health Fairs in the coming weeks -- a way to remind those in the thick of the business world how to take care of themselves.

Parting Reminder:

I came across this quote recently -- love how the speaker can seem so incongruous to the message. Dare to separate the message from the messenger. You'll be surprised what you can learn:

~"One who makes no mistakes 
makes nothing at all."~
(Giacomo Casanova)

Until next time --

Stephanie Swafford is a Bodymind Linguist©. She works with people already well into their healing and recovery who need a quick course correction in their lives and are ready to accelerate that change. She can teach you how to listen with your bodymind, trust your innate abilities, and remember what you already know. Her private practice, Body Alchemy (http://bodyalchemy.info), is in New York City.

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Copyright © 2012 by Stephanie Swafford